
About Us

We are committed to your success

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  • Mission

    To provide top value to our customers by providing the best software, combined with the right knowledge and expertise to implement customized solutions, and backed with outstanding support.

  • Experience

    Established in 1997, Monimax specializes in providing performance analysis solutions. We have developed tools for advanced modelling and analysis of Gas Turbines, Gas Compressors, Turboexpanders, Heat Exchangers, Pumps and other rotating and static equipment. We have also developed custom solutions for Industrial IoT applications for energy and manufacturing sectors.

  • Focus

    We have a strong client focus with commitment to deliver a quality product. At Monimax we realize that “one size fits all” approach falls short in meeting complex challenges. Our TurboWatch system is designed to provide much needed flexibility in implementing custom solutions.

Services & Solutions

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Performance & Data Analysis

Monimax offers variety of tools and services to help you convert your collected data to actionable knowledge.

Digitalization With IIOT

We help small and medium sized enterprises to monitor their assets and increase their productivity by using modern IIoT technology.

Custom Software development

At Monimax we can develop custom software modules to address your specific needs.


What Our Clients Say About Us

Our clients consistently highlight the value and impact of our tailored solutions. At Monimax, we are dedicated to providing exceptional service and innovative solutions that drive real results. Join our satisfied clients and experience the difference.

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